What we do » Our work

Our work

We work to ensure the mental health and addiction system supports NGO and community providers working across mental health, addiction, and wellbeing at all levels. We do this work so our members can focus on delivering high-quality services to communities. 


by connecting with organisations who are supporting tāngata whai ora (people seeking wellness) and whānau.


by being a link between policymakers at the government level, and people who deliver services. We're called an intermediary organisation or a peak body because we are connectors between service providers, policymakers, other intermediaries, professional associations, and government agencies. Being an intermediary helps to tackle complex mental health and addiction needs that have solutions across different organisations.

Collating nationwide feedback

on behalf of our members and the sector to provide a legitimate voice for the mental health and addiction NGO and community provider network.

Finding ways to share good ideas

by connecting people and organisations with great ideas, to people and organisations with resources to help.

Featured here are some of the areas we work in:

Policy - Our work | Platform Trust


Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.

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Advocacy - Our work | Platform Trust


Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

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