Pānui | News & Events


Platform Update October 2023

In this month's update, let's talk about...

  • What's on my desk?
  • Pay equity updates
  • Need to know more about collective impact?  This workshop is for you
  • Need support to recruit internationally?  Help is available now!
  • New policy templates on our website
  • What we heard from Navigate Groups
  • Cross-party Under One Umbrella report
  • Te Mauri o Rongo | The New Zealand Health Charter
  • Te Huringa Tuarua 2023 webinar series
  • Mental health and addiction KPI Programme events
  • Mental health and addiction support worker workforce initiatives
  • Charities Act changes
  • Incorporated societies changes
  • Supporting NGO and community sector capability
  • What we're reading 

Read the update here

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