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Fast Track

Fast Track

Fast Track

In 2017, Platform|Atamira released Fast Track, a discussion paper on challenges & opportunities for the mental health & addiction community support workforce. This was an initiative between Te Pou o te Whakaaro nui and Platform Trust.

Input for this report was sought from different parts of the mental health and addiction sector, as well as through three forums with mental health and addiction support workers. A national support work summit, Māhuri Tōtara, was held in 2018 to further progress the issues outlined in Fast TrackReport on the forums held, and the summit for support workers can be found on the Te Pou website

Download this report or the summary or email admin@platform.org.nz for a copy.


Other work areas

Fast Track document

Policy - Fast Track | Platform Trust


Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.

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Advocacy - Fast Track | Platform Trust


Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

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