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Platform publishes a range of documents to support the work of the mental health and addiction sector.

We regularly publish documents that advocate for health and wellbeing systems providing the best outcomes for community mental health and addiction.


Released in September 2023 by the Mental Health and Addiction Wellbeing Cross-party Group.

  • Addiction workforce development and leadership report

    On behalf of Te Whatu Ora, Atamira Platform has prepared a report on the features and challenges for the addiction treatment sector in Aotearoa New Zealand and their impact on the workforce.

    The report can be used in conjunction with other research and information to guide decision-making and planning for future workforce initiatives, ensuring that effective workforce development is available to support the addiction sector. 

    Please note that the views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the views or policy of Te Whatu Ora.

  • Platform Impact Report 2022-2023 - Captures some of the work we have done over the past year and the benefits of what collective impact can achieve for the MH&A sector as we work towards a system that recognises the vital role of community organisations, leadership, and connection.  


  • Platform Impact Report 2021-2022 - Demonstrates our members' input into Platform's work, and shows how collective impact and action can adhere to Platform's strategic goals.  The impact report covers our work from July 2021 to June 2022. It is an opportunity to highlight the significant work undertaken to support tāngata whaiora and whānau, amidst an unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Platform Impact Report 2020-2021- This gives you some of the highlights from the past year, and some of the work we are doing now, that will bring about more change in the future. This report highlights the benefits of membership with Platform and what we can achieve together for the MH&A NGO and community sector through collective impact. We look forward to working with you to keep making a difference.





  • Fast Track: Discussion paper on challenges & opportunities for the mental health & addiction community support workforce.  (PDF, 1.30MB)

  • Fast Track Summary Version: Discussion paper, summary only, (PDF, 176KB)

  • A Review of the Use of Social Outcome Indicators: Suggested improvements to the collection and use of national social outcome data in New Zealand. (Final report December 2016, released 2017) (PDF, 1,280KB)



  • Infographic: Profile of Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Services in Aotearoa New Zealand. Click on picture below to link to detailed (PDF, 360KB)

  • NGO-PRIMHD Capability Checklist Tool (updated 2013) (PDF 392KB)
    This tool was developed by Hutt DHB Funding & Planning in conjunction with Platform Trust to assist mental health and addiction NGOs to assess organisational performance with specific regard to the collection of data for PRIMHD, reporting and use of information. The format of the tool is based on the ‘Health Check’, a tool that is used by the Wellington City Council to help local NGOs build strong and effective organisations and communities.
  • NgOIT - NGO Stories & Statistics (2013) (PDF, 1.28MB)
    This publication describes the part that community non-government organisations (NGOs) play in New Zealand’s Mental Health and Addictions (MH&A) service system. It describes some of the activities of these essential services and offers some key facts. This publication is to provide greater insight into the work of the sector and to encourage greater dialogue and engagement between policy makers, funders, sector workers and the Government.




  • Frontline - the community mental health and addiction sector at work in New Zealand (PDF, 1.4MB)
    This document describes key attributes of the mental health and addiction community sector. Its purpose is to stimulate interest and encourage increased sector, Government, and funder engagement. It shows that NGOs are innovators, run successful community enterprises that employ significant numbers of New Zealanders, are flexible, and well-placed to deliver the Government’s objectives while meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities.


  • NgOIT 2008 NGO-DHB Contracting Environment (PDF, 348KB)
    This report reflects the experiences, issues and views from a range of community sector organisations that contract with DHBs to provide mental health and addiction services.


  • NgOIT 2007 Workforce Survey (PDF, 887KB)
    This report provides information and analysis from the perspective of non government organisations who provide mental health and addiction services.



  • Work in Practice (PDF, 409KB)
    Best practice employment support services for people with mental illness.
  • Sei Tapu (PDF, 511KB)
    An evaluation of the National Certificate in Mental Health (mental health support work) from a Pacific perspective.


Other work areas

Publications - Publications | Platform Trust


Contributing to policy development, as well as providing a policy library and a range of publications to support the sector.

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Advocacy - Publications | Platform Trust


Fostering strategic partnerships and alliances to achieve a strong and sustainable mental health and addiction NGO and community sector.

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